Autism Basics – Challenging Behaviors

Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis.


Register at:

For more information contact Erika Hertel

Autism Basics – What is Autism

Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis.


Register at:

For more information contact Erika Hertel

Autism Basics -Autism Interventions

Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis.

Register at:

For more information contact Erika Hertel

Baby Shower

Are you expecting a baby? Join us for a Baby Shower in your honor! Virtual via ZOOM on April. All Participants must live in Polk County. Register by Text, call, or email by March 25. Cassie Odland 515-446-8477

Autism Acceptance and Advocacy Day on the Hill

The 2021 Autism Acceptance and Advocacy Day on the Hill event is scheduled for February 4th. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, plans are being made to hold this event virtually should this be necessary.

Please follow our social media and website for further information.

2021 Autism Acceptance and Advocacy Day on the Hill Information (



NAMI Southwest Iowa School Contest

A recent CDC Study indicates that the proportion of children’s mental health-related ED visits have been on the rise since April 2020. This is of great concern, and NAMI Southwest Iowa wants to help. We began virtual weekly psycho-educational groups for parents, students and school staff that are led by a mental health professional and are FREE! Informational flyers and magnets were sent to schools last month to help get the word out about the Community Connections Groups. We want to go one step further and ask everyone to encourage school staff, students and parents to participate and help spread the word about Community Connections! In return, we are going to be keeping track of the number of attendees from each school district in Southwest Iowa (no names, just what school district they are from) from now until December 17th.

The school district that has the most participation during that time frame will win $500 from NAMI Southwest Iowa to use as they see fit for Mental Health resources for their school!

That’s it – no strings attached! Help us spread the word about Community Connections and help your school!

Here is a direct link to our website where anyone can sign up: