National Night Out

A Night to Unite! Get to know your community. This event will take place at the Polk County Sheriff’s office headquarters. It will be at 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
National Night Out Save the Date

Polk County Sheriff’s Office Safety Village

Save the date for Polk County Sheriff’s Office Safety Village event! It is at 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Sensory Friendly will be at 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm.
Safety Village Flyer

Family Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt

When the sun goes down, the fun begins! Participants need to dress for the weather, and bring their own flashlight and a sack or basket for eggs. Gather as many eggs as you can find, then open them up to find out whether they hold candy or prizes from our amazing sponsors.

For ages 2-13 plus family. Min/Max 50/120 Registration deadline Friday, April 1, or when full. Only participating children need to register. Adults and non-participating children/infants are free. RAIN DATE: SATURDAY, APRIL 9, AT 8:00 PM

Easter Egg Hunt Registration


Nuestro Librero- Programa Virtual para familias que viven en los condados de Polk, Dallas, Crawford y Audubon.

Padres/ Cuidadores—¡únanse a nosotros para aprender nuevas ideas y actividades para hacer que el tiempo de lectura sea DIVERTIDO para usted y su niño en su casa!
Después de cada sesión, las familias que participen recibirán un libro y una guía para la lectura gratis. El programa es para padres/cuidadores que tienen niños en edades de 3 a 6 años de edad.
(Su niño no necesita asistir a la reunión virtual pero es bienvenido si desea participar.)
lunes, 18, 25 de abril y 2, 9 de mayo
jueves 21, 28 de abril y 5, 12 de mayo
7:00-7:30pm conectándose en Zoom
El programa está disponible para familias que viven en los condados de Polk, Dallas, Crawford y Audubon.
Se requiere registrarse él o antes del 8 de abril del 2022. Inscríbase ahora! Flyer – Our Bookshelf – Spanish-Polk

Our Bookshelf- Virtual Program for Parents/Caregivers in Polk, Dallas, Crawford, Shelby, and Audubon Counties

Parents/Caregivers- Join online to learn new ideas and activities to make reading FUN for you and your child at home!
After each session, families who participate will receive a free book. The program is intended for parents/caregivers who have a children ages 3 to 6-years-old. (Children do not need to attend the virtual meetings but are welcome to join.)
Tuesdays, April 19, 26, May 3, 10
1:30-2:00 pm OR 7:00-7:30 pm on Zoom.
Program is available to families who live in Polk, Dallas, Crawford, Shelby, and Audubon Counties.
Registration is required by April 8.

Register online 1:30 pm
Register online 7:00 pm
Our Bookshelf-ENG Polk April_
Or by contacting Michelle Schott at, 515-664-8272

Educational Programming (Webinar)

Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis.
This webinar is at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm.
Register here

Anyone interested in learning about Autism is welcome. Certificates of attendance will be provided. Sessions will be recorded and links to access sent to registered participants.

Foster parent credit: Each training session is worth 1 hour of individual training credit for foster parents.
For more information: Email Erika Hertel,

Challenging Behavior (Webinar)

Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis.
This webinar is at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm.
Register here

Anyone interested in learning about Autism is welcome. Certificates of attendance will be provided. Sessions will be recorded and links to access sent to registered participants.

Foster parent credit: Each training session is worth 1 hour of individual training credit for foster parents.
For more information: Email Erika Hertel,

The following webinar will be on April on 26th.

Autism Interventions (Webinar)

Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis.
This webinar is at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm.
Register here

Anyone interested in learning about Autism is welcome. Certificates of attendance will be provided. Sessions will be recorded and links to access sent to registered participants.

Foster parent credit: Each training session is worth 1 hour of individual training credit for foster parents.
For more information: Email Erika Hertel,

The following webinars will be on April 19th and 26th.

What is Autism? (Webinar)

Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis.
This webinar is at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm.
Register here

Anyone interested in learning about Autism is welcome. Certificates of attendance will be provided. Sessions will be recorded and links to access sent to registered participants.

Foster parent credit: Each training session is worth 1 hour of individual training credit for foster parents.
For more information: Email Erika Hertel,

The following webinars will be on April 12th, 19th and 26th.