Diaper Giveaway

Diaper give away

Why Boys Struggle In School and How to Help


Mary’s Helping Hands Winter Coat Giveaway

Mary’s Helping Hands is hosting a Winter Coat Giveaway on October 25th from 9am-12pm for a first come, first serve, no appointment needed! Located at 4950 Pleasant Street, Ste B in West Des Moines. For questions contact, 515-225-3827.

Roll Baby Roll 2024!

Join in Roll Baby Roll, the walk for bringing awareness to infant mortality! There will be drawings for baby items, free baby supplies, free swag bags, free lunch, vendor and resource fair, blood pressure and iron checks, dental screenings, and information on programming for EveryStep and on-site enrollment! Vendors and resources begin at 10am, with registration for the walk at 10:30am, and the walk itself at 11:15am!

Dallas County Coat Giveaway

Check out this coat giveaway for coats, mittens, hats, scarves of all sizes!

2024 Coat Giveaway

Iowa Black Doula Community Baby Shower

Join for a community baby shower on Saturday, October 12th from 3-6pm at Broadlawns Medical Center. There will be games, food and baby gifts! This is for Black, Latino, Asian, and Native identifying moms and families who are currently pregnant or have babies that are up to 6 months old.

Autism Basics Webinar Series: School Programming

“Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis with Jillian Reiher, PhD”

Registration: https://uiowa.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_c5dSzv8AT6GXwZkjMEEyag#/registration

Flyer: https://files.constantcontact.com/31c3237d001/ef07eaa9-c8a8-4ff9-a821-daff48f269b5.jpg?rdr=true

Autism Basics Webinar Series: Treating Dangerous Behavior

“Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis with Jillian Reiher, PhD”

Registration: https://uiowa.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_c5dSzv8AT6GXwZkjMEEyag#/registration

Flyer: https://files.constantcontact.com/31c3237d001/ef07eaa9-c8a8-4ff9-a821-daff48f269b5.jpg?rdr=true

Autism Basics Webinar Series: Therapy Options

“Free webinar series for parents or primary caregivers of children with a new autism diagnosis with Jillian Reiher, PhD”

Registration: https://uiowa.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_c5dSzv8AT6GXwZkjMEEyag#/registration

Flyer: https://files.constantcontact.com/31c3237d001/ef07eaa9-c8a8-4ff9-a821-daff48f269b5.jpg?rdr=true